SPACE is the second studio in which the architectural space is central. The situations the students work on for eight weeks corresponds to architectural design assignments for, among other things, museums, schools or living/working spaces. For this studio, design contexts are found or created with real or imaginable 'problem owners' who offer their context for design research. The studio is completed with architectural design presentations in models and drawings and with other media deemed relevant by the students.

In 2022 this studio Space is guided by architect and researcher Nasim Razavian. In her brief she states that the relationship between the architect and the client is an intimate one for the reason that clients share their likes and needs for the project. This is always the relation between "the self" and "the other" even if the architect is designing a project for her/himself. Razavian challenged the students with drawings and models to explore this position by working with a very personal and intimate emotional condition: the phobia of the client. The students had to confront and face the fears of the client which they probably find in themselves as well. They could decide whether they preferred to materialize that specific phobia spatially through their design or to take a more problem-solving approach and reduce the phobia through their project.